Out of the house on my own

I hit two pretty big milestones this week.
Yesterday, I managed to go downstairs to my office to work. It was the first time in over a month that I was able to do any work from my comfy basement office. I immediately realized how messy it is down there! I gotta get after it and get it cleaned up before I get used to it again!
Today, I went for a walk by myself! I didn’t go for some crazy adventure, but I did walk across the main road out to the river. I walked along Water Street and then walked down to the Riverview Park and got to see the river a little closer.
Unfortunately, my GPS on my phone didn’t do a fantastic job keeping track of me. It said I ran out into the middle of the river a couple times, but it was somewhere between a mile and two miles all together.
I also forgot that I live at the top of a 76 foot hill, and the park is at the bottom of that hill. So, walking home was a quite a hoof. I made it home fine though, and I didn’t push myself too far.
My back never hurt once! Well, that’s not true. I have a couple of knots in my upper back that are screaming. They’re not related to my injury, just from being trapped in this brace. So, I can keep going no matter how much they hurt. And BOY do they hurt. Gotta keep moving forward though!
I’m gonna try to get out every day. We’ll see. Every other day is just as likely.
T-61 days.